Congratulations Ben Alcock, Senior Physiotherapist at Northumbria NHS Foundation Trust

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Posted 9th October 2013 by admin_g2

Some our Leeds based staff made their way over to Northumbria NHS Foundation Trust last week to present our 15th birthday competition winner with their prize. Ben Alcock, Senior Physiotherapist at the Trust was delighted to receive his 47″ 3D Smart TV.Speaking of the company Ben said: “G2 was implemented trust wide approximately two years ago. It has improved the administration time for letter transcription allowing us greater efficiency during our restricted admin time throughout the week. Allowing for self-check and electronic sign off has also increased the letter to patient time whilst saveing money on printing and paper.”When speaking about his overall experience of working with G2 Speech, Ben said the product is ‘excellent and a great help in our work’.

Conrgratulations Ben!

Mike Spink, Account Manager at G2 Speech and Ben Alcock, Senior Physiotherapist at Northumbria NHS Foundation Trust (L-R).



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