3 key UX trends in speech recognition and digital dictation

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Posted 21st October 2015 by admin_g2

User Experience (UX) is key in the evolution of any product or solution. Without completely understanding the thoughts and feedback from your customers you are designing and evolving your product blindly. Here at G2 Speech we place user experience at the highest priority – we regularly involve our customers in what we do, in all sorts of different ways including: service reviews, meetings with our Product Team and Developers and regular User Group Events.

Last week we held our customer User Group. The event is held every 18 months with the aim simply to: understand our customer experiences and to develop their understanding of what we do.

Three key UX trends we noted amongst our healthcare colleagues at this event, are as follows:

1.    Work whilst on the go!
There were lots of conversations on hospitals and Trusts needing to work at different bases, out in the community or at home. The desire to work remotely is on the up and so is the need to work whilst on the go. Customers are noting the need to work, dictate and sign off work – regardless of geography and time.

2.    Up in the cloud
Cloud hosting seems to be a ‘buzz topic’ of the moment. There’s lots of talk about getting platforms and documentation up in the cloud to save on physical storage space, to help with accessibility and to help reduce big initial outlay costs. The big question on everyone’s lips though is about security and workability!

3.    Save money.
The need to save money in the NHS is as prevalent as ever. At the User Group, one customer spoke about how by using the speech recognition and workflow management system provided by G2, the Trust had saved £3.5 million revenue in their first five years of working with the system. There was lots of interest on how speech technology can make such savings – there was particular interest in the move towards front-end recognition!



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